Sunday, March 06, 2011

Me and Rocoe at Main Street Station

 I caught a Vegas board thread moaning that Main Street Station had raised the price of its microbrews from $1.50 to $1.75.  Of course, we can still get my favorite Black Chip Porter at the Boars Head bar playing video poker.
Here was my thread response:

Yeah, a hell of a thing to raise the price of that beer.
Why should we go to Vegas and pay $1.75, when for just $4.50 we can have a similar porter right down the street??

And consider the tip.
If the beer costs $1.75, and we tip a buck, well...then we are tipping 57%

But if we tip a buck for our local beer, then we are tipping pretty close to the conventional 20%.

Read a few of the tipping sites. No one recommends tipping 57%. It's outrageous! Tipping in Vegas has gone way out of all sense. How can the same tip on the same beer be 37% higher??
They raise the price of the beer and then they want a 57% tip.
How does that make sense? How is it fair?

And if you want one of those "free" beers that MSS Boars Head folks are always raving about, why you gotta play one of those complicated video games.
So you gotta do work, and you might lose money doing it. You might win a thousand dollars, but you might lose twenty.

And they still expect you to tip!!

So I was at the Boar's Head one night with my pal Rosco and I get the free black chip porter and start doing the work of the video game and Rosco says, "Don't forget to tip, Dew."

"Well," I says to Rosco, " the beer is free, right?"

"Yeah, but you gotta tip."

"Okay, " I says, " You know that I never have any problem with tipping, and I always tip 20%."
"Fine," Roscoe says. "So tip already"

"Well, no, it ain't fine at all," I answer." If the beer is free, what is 20% of zero?"
I had old Roscoe stumped there, so he gets out his calculator and starts to try to figure this out and he keeps mutterin' and sayin'
"Damnit, that can't be right 'cause it says it is nothing." And sayin' a few other things that I won't report.

Now right there you can see that Vegas beer is just a lot of trouble. Either the tipping is through the roof at 57%, or it ends up with two of you doing mathematics while the beer gets warm. Why poor old Roscoe never did have a chance to tell a story or go into a political rant because he was too busy with the calculator.

So, I figure, it is a lot better to just go down to the local pub and pay $4.50 for a pint of porter. That way I can tip the correct 20% without all that mathematical work.
And tipping there saves me 37%. That has to add up over time.
And if I have too many.....well.... at the Boars Head I am a drunk trying to do mathematics and remember advantage play. At the local pub I can actually fall asleep, wake up in an hour and not have missed anything. In fact, I can wake up in the middle of one of Roscoe's stories or political rants and know exactly how to finish it, because I've heard the same damn thing sixty or seventy times from the same guy, so I know it by heart.
Hey, try to do that at the Boars Head in Vegas!!!

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