Sunday, October 11, 2015


In second grade my teacher Mrs Ritter named me “Forgetful Dewey”

I have worked hard to realize her early expectations. Losing things has always been a hobby of mine. When tired in Vegas it is a passionate avocation.

One day at the pool at the Gold Coast I left my dayglow green bag with my unread copy of the Sixth Extinction and assorted other bits of things. I discovered it missing three days later. Security said they did not have it, but they did.

A day later I lost my prescription glasses in their case. I have no idea where.

Another visit to Security Lost and Found was more successful, and I had both returned to me.

The first security guard did just a cursory check, missed the bag, and sent me on my way. The second fellow brought me into the office and spent almost ten minutes tracking down the bag and then another few minutes tracking down the glasses.

Some people do their job. Some don't.

I also found in inquiry that sometimes the pool attendant, who is rarely there, just puts the lost and found stuff behind with the towels because he is busy. That did not happen this time, but I'll remember that bit of information the next time I leave something at the pool. Unless, of course, I forget it.

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