Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Petition to end Resort fees


I was happy to sign the petition.
The goal is to include the cost of the room in the listed price of the room with transparency.
No more wondering who pays them and who doesn't or which week they are optional and which they are not or which time they are implemented or not.
No more false advertising in emailed promotions and "sales".
No more false reporting by travel boards.
No more lies from discounters.
No more confusion about what a discounter low to high price search means.
No more wondering who is grandfathered in the resort fee price rises between booking and arriving.
No more letting newbies, inexperienced, or unsophisticated folks be tricked until check in.
No more having to have repeated phone conversations with hotel clerks who themselves are confused just to get the bottom line. The bottom line should be the top line.

The price of the room should be simple to understand with amenities all rolled up with whatever the hotel wants to call the basic booking price of the room. The buyer of the room ought to get the room for the stated price.
So let's get that to happen, if possible.

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